How to get rid of Hyperpigmentation from Acne  


Getting rid of hyperpigmentation after Acne vulgaris is a major problem, as most people are left with dark marks, once the acne has subsided.

The hyper-pigmentation associated with acne is of the worst kind as it is caused by inflammation of the sebaceous gland, which is located deep in the dermis.

This leads to leakage of pigment cells, called Melanocytes into the dermis, where the dark pigment melanin gets deposited, resulting in patchy, dark spots.


Conventional Medical treatment for Acne is not focused on Hyperpigmentation & often dismissed by Dermatologists as legitimate suffering.

Nothing can be further from the truth!

Early treatment of Acne is essential because inflammation has to be rapidly controlled as a first step.

Once hyperpigmentation is established, the treatment becomes much more difficult especially in dark skins.

Treating hyperpigmentation now requires two things to happen simultaneously:

Firstly, to remove the epidermis slowly (exfoliation) to get rid of the

melanin-carrying cells from the top layer of skin.

Secondly, it allows the Melanocytes that are lurking deep in the skin to be accessed and thereby inhibited by the Skin Lighteners.

There are two main types of exfoliators:

  • Fruit Acids- These dissolve the skin keratin & allow the skin cells to be shed.
  • Retinoids- These work by increasing surface skin cell production and pushing the cells off the epidermal layer.

Secondly, you need to Inhibit Melanin production:

These are chemicals, which block melanin production or transport by different mechanisms.

It is important to use them in combination so that Melanin can be controlled at multiple locations in its production.

Well-documented and validated ingredients by peer-reviewed clinical studies include Alpha and Beta Arbutin, Kojic Acid, Vitamin C, Octadecene Dioic acid, Azelaic acid, Phytic acid, Licorice & Niacinamide.

It is important to point out that getting rid of hyperpigmentation from acne is going to take at least 3-6 months with effective sun screening.

Immediate results are not possible because the pigment has to be gently teased out of skin or else, there is a risk of provoking even more hyperpigmentation.

Lightenex® Gold serum has been designed to tackle these stubborn stains which are often blue-grey in colour and buried deep in the skin.

It combines:


Retinoid, Retinaldehyde & Glycolic acid


Powerful Skin lighteners:

Kojic acid, Alpha and Beta Arbutin, Dioic acid, Vitamin C, Phytic acid, Azelaic acid.

Lightenex® Gold serum is now considered one of the most powerful

Skin Lightening serum to treat Hyperpigmentation and is recommended by over 5,000 leading Dermatologists worldwide.

For more information, check out